Okay, I've been crafting. And I've been working and babysitting and getting my boss ready to leave and change over to a new boss. So crafting has been a lot on the back burner but I have done some things. and then I have a rant which I will put at the bottom so people don't have to listen to my rant. These are my fun crafts:
Cut letters on buckets. You are my sunshine sign, water globe with a cookie cookie monster.
My rant: LEAVE MY DIET SODA ALONE!! I' ve just had one too many lectures lately from people drinking full sugar sodas and juices telling me how bad my diet soda is while they drink their coffee with creamer and sugar. $#w$#@$ My morning diet soda is my caffeine. I am near diabetic, so I don't drink sugary sodas of any kind. I drink water, and tea. But my diet soda seems to invoke lectures from people that I don't know, don't care to know and think they are telling me something that is going to change my life! My Dr. said it's okay for me to drink diet soda and I DON'T NEED YOU OPINION! I read all kinds of studies to keep myself abreast of things that are happening with sweeteners and such. I am informed. Take your sugar sweetened drink,Frappacino with bugs crushed in it for color, fruit juice and oddly flavored water and GO AWAY! I get my caffeine my way, you get yours your way and LEAVE MY DIET SODA ALONE!
Thanks and now back to crafting.
I just had to laugh about your diet soda...lol. I know it's probably frustrating for you, but humorous the way your wrote about it! I won't judge you for your diet soda! Enjoy!