
Friday, November 12, 2010

Question for my friends and I REALLY want to hear from you!

Do you feel like things are getting a little excessive lately?  I mean more than normal.
It could be just that I am oversaturated with Cricut stuff lately.  Something new is coming out every second and I don't have time to appreciate it or contemplate it. 

Layout pages are getting thicker and thicker.  I can't fit them in a book without them getting squished, so why are we doing that?

The same with greeting cards going off the pages and over the top so that special envelopes have to be fabricated if it ever was to be mailed.

Now, I've been pretty sick with pneumonia the last couple of weeks and my work has suffered because I don't feel good and some of this might be from that, but I was wondering if it was just me or do you feel the pull of the recession to a more simple decor?

Just wondering?


  1. I do agree with you. It seems like I have more cartirdges now then ever and I haven't even gotten to use most of them.... Although I have been better lately. I used to do bare scrapbooking which is minimal paper and stickers and I was caught up with all of my pictures but now it takes me at least an hour to make one page!!! Its crazy!

  2. Penny first I am super sorry you have been sick that stinks HUGS! Second I agree with you, I am noticing it too and it is too much for me, makes me sad even. I have been on a rampage in my house this week purging everything we do not use. I am sick of the clutter!

  3. i do feel like there are more products out there then i can every possible buy or have time to enjoy. Also more challenges then i have time to create for. I think it just the way the world is now more more now now now. Some weeks i have to really just limit myself and slow down and enjoy what i am doing or my list just gets to overwhelming.

  4. I agree. I am overwhelmed with how much "stuff" is coming out, not just Cricut but everything, all the paper lines and new "must haves" embellishments and adhesive. I have been talking to a few friends lately and they feel the same way. I found out a little bit ago that my company is merging and I may be losing my job by next summer so I have put a crafting budget on myself and a vow to use more of my stash before buying anything new. The whole reason I got the Cricut was to spend less on embellishments/stickers, etc. so that is what I am going to try to do.

  5. I'm with you about the layouts especially. Layers upon layers of not just paper, but lace and cording and etc. I can't help but think that the pictures....which should be the focus...get lost in all of that. Cards, too, are pretty elaborate, and I wonder if they really need to be? After all, like it or not, many of them are eventually just thrown away.

    Provocraft should be making lots of money with all those new cartridges. But really, how many multiple owls....or turkeys.....or multiple anything do we really need??

    Glad you're feeling better and I'm praying for your continued recovery. You're a great scrappin' pal!

  6. Aww Penny! I hope you get to feeling better very soon.

    I agree that the paper crafting world is constantly being shown something new, something we must have right now, etc... I try not to get caught up in some of that because ,frankly, I can't afford it! Right now I know I have cartridges that I haven't used because I thought I "needed" it right now. I don't even own that many cartridges! Thankfully I haven't cared for many of the latest releases so I am able to control myself. Like you, I want to enjoy what I have and be able to create without thinking I have to have something else.

    Sending Get Well Wishes your way!

  7. penny....sorry you haven't been feeling good. hope you are now.

    To your question: I am not too trendy and I just do what I feel doing at the moment or whatever comes out while I am working. Sometimes might be more and some might be less.

  8. I completely agree - I have tried to focus more on the images that I use rather than all the embellishments that surround it! I dont win many challenges, but I like the results better. I have just been asked to do some Christmas cards by someone, so I cant be doing that much wrong! I really hope you feel better soon - can be kinda nasty! Tuck up warm - and go your own way with the crafting! Its not much of a gift for someone if it costs you so much personally!


  9. I used to get SO excited when a new cartridge or two was released. I'd look over the images and decided if I wanted it and dreamed of what I would use it for. Now, when so many are released at a time - and seemingly every week - I just say, "Are you kidding me?" It's just not fun anymore. I still enjoy crafting, but I'm actually purchasing far less. It's becoming ridiculous. As for the cards and layouts, I most enjoy seeing projects that I feel I could make as well. I do like some layering, etc., but within reason.
    I am so glad you are beginning to feel better and will pray for a full recovery for you.

  10. I agree. We need to slow things down a bit and get back to the basics. I don't think I even use half the products I have purchased, or I have so much to choose from that I do nothing because I can't decide what to use. Sometimes less is more.


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