
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No Card Today

Had to clean up the house today so no cricuteering for me.  Having to do some research on my body too. 

Calling all people with Hypothyroidism and Depression.  Anyone else out there experiencing some of these difficulties?  There are lots of books and websites out there on the correlation between the two.  Here is one

I'm very interested in this phenomenon.  One - it's hereditary.  Two - I'm getting older and it is supposed to get worse as "women" age into their 50s. 

Is there anyone who has found a solution to their own personal issues with this?  What did you use?  What did you do?  I'm already taking synthroid and two anti-depressants, Cymbalta and Wellbutrin.  I HATE the Cymbalta, but there are awful side effects coming off the drug---- Brain Snaps, Heart Palpitations, Irrational Thought, Food Cravings, Joint Pain, etc.  It hurts worse to go off it.  Wellbutrin counteracts some of the bad side effects of being on the cymbalta, but it means taking two of those drugs.  Being on the drugs allows me to think rationally and keeps me from sudden outbursts of emotional tears, fits of rage, suicidal ideology and completely irrational acting out.

What is a successful life on these drugs? 


  1. HUGS honey! I have hypothyroidism and severe anxiety/panic issues (stemmed from Iraq) I am on synthyroid and just started Zoloft, it seems to help but I feel unmotivated and sad a lot so we will see.

  2. Penny, hope you are feeling better, soon. I went through all of which you describe to some extent without medical assistance, but I was tough to live with! I always felt it was hormone related.
    Now that I have made it through the change, I have never been happier in my life...that took a few years, again no meds, but I am safely on the other side now :) You just have to get older :) :) Serious now though...I do hope you will be feeling your best very soon!! gj

  3. Hi penny! Thank you for your wonderful comments :-)

    I don't plan on mailing that specific card. If I did, I would probably add a small something (like chocolates) and box the two. I know there are a few templates out there for boxed envies for standard A2 cards but for square 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 I have'nt checked. If I find one I will let you know!


Thank you for giving the joy of your comments. They really do make my day!