
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Card

This is one of my original Cow Cards:  All pieces cut from George and paper pieced together. On this cow I also used JOTS and Decor.  I love doing these cows and sold a set of 12 at a silent auction for $65.00 recently.  Of course, the money was for a good cause so it doesn't really count but it was a nice ego booster. So, I just made a bunch of these so I could send them out at Christmas and I'm going to enter it at Practical Scrappers.


  1. Om'gosh, Penny! That's so darn cute! I LOVE your cow, all dressed up for the holidays! Congrats on your sale and good luck at PS!

  2. Oh my goodness
    This is soooo cute! I love it.
    Thanks for joining us at Pratical Scrappers

  3. He's super cute! I love paper piecing! Thanks for playing along at Practical Scrappers!

  4. this is just too stinkin' cute for words! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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